11 ............. bug-6050 pendant control – BUG-O Systems CWP-18 User Manual

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The handheld terminal with keypad and text display or pendant control is used for entering the

dimension and weld parameter data. It plugs into the Pendant connection on the CBP-1500

rotation control box.

ALPHA KEYS: Press keys A, B, C, D, E, or F for the desired program function.

DIGIT KEYS: Use the digit keys to enter pipe diameters or dimensions.

ENTER: Push the enter button to store the numeric value keyed.

BACKSPACE: The backspace key removes the last digit keyed in before pushing the enter

button, if a correction is required.

SHIFT: The blank key at the top right corner of the keypad is the SHIFT key. Use this key to

access additional programming options.

ARROW KEYS: Used to jog vertical axis during auto-run program to set new torch position.