BSS Audio DPR-504 Owner's Manual User Manual
Page 13

used, and the key level meter has been designed to provide accurate
information for a whole range of operation methods. The threshold control is
the most important control on the gate and is the only one that will need
adjusting to perform simple gating.
These controls can be separated into three classifications depending on their
function and usage on the gate.
Key functions are those that help to determine how to open the gate.
Dynamic functions are those that determine when to open and close the gate.
Mode functions are those that determine why the gate opens and by how
Control classfication:
Key fucntions :
Key filter, Width, Key listen, Threshold, Key level
Dynamic fucntions :
Attack, Release, Auto Attack.
Mode functions :
Int/ext, Range, Link, IN.
Section 7 describes in more detail how these functions work and how best to
set them for particular tasks.
Remember that automatic channel switching, such as gating, can have many
uses other than simple cleaning up applications for noisy microphone lines
etc., don't be afraid to experiment.