BrightSign BrightScript 2 Reference Guide User Manual
Page 43

PostMessage(msg As Object) As Void
roInt, roFloat, roString, roBoolean, roBrSub, roInvalid
The intrinsic types Integer (“Integer”), Float (“Float”), “rotBrSub”, Boolean (“Boolean”),
Invalid (“Invalid”) and String “String” have an object and interface equivalents, with the
following interfaces:
GetInt() As Integer
SetInt(value As Integer) As Void
GetFloat() As Float
SetFloat(value As Float) As Void
GetString() As String
SetString(value As String) As Void
SetString(s As String, strlen As Integer) As Void
AppendString(s As String, strlen As Integeter) As void
Len() As Integer
GetEntityEncode() As String
Tokenize(delim as String) As Object
Trim() As String
MD5() As String
GetSub() As String
SetSub(value As BrSub) As Void
GetBolean() As Boolean
SetBoolean(value As Boolean) As Void
. These are useful in the following situations:
When an object is needed, instead of an intrinsic value. For example, “roList”
maintains a list of objects. If an Integer is added to roList, for example, it will be