BrightSign BrightScript 2 Reference Guide User Manual

Page 41

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Sgn(x As Float) As Integer

Sgn(x As Integer) As Integer

The "sign" function: returns -1 for X negative, 0 for X zero, and +l for X positive.

Sin(x As Float) As Float

Returns the sine of the argument (argument must be in radians). To obtain the sine of X
when X is in degrees, use SIN(X*.01745329).

Sqr(x As Float) As Float

Returns the square root of the argument. SQR(X) is the same as X^(1/2), only faster.

Tan(x As Float) As Float

Returns the tangent of the argument (argument must be in radians). To obtain the tangent
of X when X is in degrees, use TAN(X*.01745329).