Power connector, De9 rs-232 connector – BrightSign XD230 Hardware User Manual
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BrightSign XD230, XD1030, XD1230
All information provided in this reference manual applies to products under development. The characteristics and specifications of these products are subject to
change without notice. BrightSign assumes no obligation regarding future manufacturing unless otherwise agreed to in writing. © BrightSign LLC, 2012
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4-pin power connector for 12V power input @ 3A
Power Connector
The power connector for the XD series is rated for 12V @ 3A. The plug for the connector is a keyed and locking 4-pin
connector. It is right-side positive.
DE9 RS-232 Connector
The RS-232 connector is a male DE9. Like PCs, BrightSign XD players are DTE devices. The input to the chip accepts a
range between +25V and -25V, so it is compatible with standard +12V and -12V signaling.
The baud rate is 115200, with no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit. There is no hardware or software flow control. The
maximum cable length is 50 meters, and the total cable capacitance is 2500pF.
Note: A lower capacitance cable allows you to use cable lengths beyond 50 meters.
The following diagram illustrates the behavior of the TX and RX signal:
The following table illustrates the pinout of the DE9 on the XD series of players: