BECKHOFF DK9222-1209-0007 User Manual
BECKHOFF Equipment

Measurement technology
Application Note DK9222-1209-0007
Energy measurement
Power factor
Energy analysis
EtherCAT Terminal
Bus Terminal
Consideration of the energy efficiency of a plant by
means of energy measurement
The measurement of energy consumption variables in the connected circuit is possible using the KL3403 Bus
Terminal and the EL3403 EtherCAT Terminal: the terminals directly output the effective values for voltage,
current and active power and total up the energy consumption internally; further parameters can be
calculated on the basis of the values determined.
Energy costs belong to the operating costs of a plant and are accounted for as overheads in lump sum shares to all cost
centres, since they cannot be attributed to any particular originator. In order to increase profits by reducing energy costs, the
costs must primarily be attributed to a particular consumer. This could similarly be entire plants or buildings or also individual
segments. If the consumption can be attributed, the optimisation of operating conditions is easier to implement and, in case of
doubt, their benefit also proven. By means of a transparent supply network, savings potentials can be specifically implemented
and the success of individual measures can also be observed in the long term. Furthermore, the financial expenditure for the
production of a certain lot size can be adopted into the cost calculation, since the energy throughput per production lot can be
determined as a result.
New Automation Technology
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