Directed Electronics 563T User Manual

Page 38

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© 2 0 0 3 d i r e c t e d e l e c t r o n i c s , i n c .

Although the on-board relay can control most power trunk re-

leases, sometimes an optional relay is required. If the factory

release is not power-activated, Directed


's 522T trunk release

solenoid can often be added.

Power Window Control:

Automatic power window control is pro-

vided with the 529T and 530T systems. These can operate

power windows, and can roll them up automatically when the

system is armed, roll them down, or both up and down.

Mobile Video:

This system is compatible with Directed Video’s

MCB1000 Multi-Channel Controller, featuring on-screen secu-

rity system programming and zone trigger information.