ATI Audio ML200 User Manual
Page 3

Audio Technologies Inc. ■ Toll Free 800-922-8001 ■ [email protected] ■ www.
VAC) are 400 mA supplies. The DA103 and the DMA103 both draw about 100
mA at full output. Any combination of NANOAMPS, which add up to less than
the supply rating, can be powered by a single supply.
Audio Connectors balanced XLR type inputs are outputs are wired with pins 2 as
HI and 3 pins as LOW. Pin 1 is cable shield and ground connection.
Active balanced outputs and inputs require a reference ground connection to the
source or receiving device for proper operation. This ground can provide by the
rack frame or a studio ground bus connection if the cable shield does not carry it
Operation in high RF broadcast environments required special attention to
grounding and shielding. The chassis must be grounded directly to good, low
impedance studio ground system. Input and output connections must be
properly shielded and free of ground loops. It may even be necessary to add
shielding and free to the DC input leads to avoid RF pickup.
Multiple NANOAMPS sharing a single wall-wart power supply should be looped
through each other using the DC interconnect cables P/N20602-1. Hum and
noise performance of the units can be degraded by poor DC ground connections
between units sharing a common supply. Use of the recommended rack and
desk mounting kits will assure a good ground connection between units by firmly
strapping their chassis together.
The outer shell of the DC interconnect cables is positive relative to the chassis.
Do not allow a DC cable plugged into a powered unit to hang loose where it can
short against chassis or rack frame.