Chapter 3 bios setup, 1 operations after post screen – Aplex Technology ACS-2120 User Manual
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ACS-2120 User Manual
Chapter 3 BIOS Setup
3.1 Operations after POST Screen
After CMOS discharge or BIOS flashing operation, the system will display the
following screen for your further operation. Press F2 key to continue or F1 key to
enter CMOS Setup.
AMIBIOS© 2009 American Mega trends , Inc.
BIOS Date: 02/18/2011 10:29:58 Ver: 08.00.16
ntel® Atom
™ CPU D525 @ 1.80GHz
Speed : 1.80 GHz
Press F11 for BBS POPUP
Initializing USB Controllers. . Done.
2038MB OK
Auto-Detecting Pri Master.. IDE Hard Disk
Pri Master : Hitachi HTS545016B9A300 PB0C64G
Ultra DMA
– 5, S.M.A.R.T. Capable and Status OK
– detecting USB Mass Storage Devices ..
00 USB Mass storage devices found and configured
CMOS Settings Wrong
CMOS Data / Time Not Set
Press F1 to Run SETUP
Press F2 to load default values and continue
After optimizing and exiting CMOS Setup, the POST screen displayed for the first time is
as follows and includes basic information on BIOS, CPU, memory, and storage devices.
AMIBIOS© 2009 American Mega trends , Inc.
BIOS Date: 02/18/2011 10:30:59 Ver: 08.00.16
ntel® Atom
™ CPU D525 @ 1.80GHz
Speed : 1.80 GHz
Press DEL to Run Setup
Press F11 for BBS POPUP
Initializing USB Controllers. . Done.
2038MB OK
Auto-Detecting Pri Master.. IDE Hard Disk
Pri Master : Hitachi HTS545016B9A300 PB0C64G
Ultra DMA
– 5, S.M.A.R.T. Capable and Status OK
– detecting USB Mass Storage Devices ..
00 USB Mass storage devices found and configured.
Checking NVRAM..
Press F11 to load default values and continue 0085
Press F11 key to enter Boot Menu during POST, as shown by the following figure.