Zilog Z02215 User Manual
Zilog Sensors

ZiLOG Worldwide Headquarters • 910 E. Hamilton Avenue • Campbell, CA 95008
Telephone: 408.558.8500 • Fax: 408.558.8300 • Internet:
This Product Update provides errata information for
the Z02215 Single-Chip Modem.
Problem #1 - Autobaud Detection
Problem #2 - Parallel Phone Off-Hook and Paral-
lel Phone Pick-Up Detection
Problem #3 - Ring Indicator (RI)
Problem #4 - Parallel Phone Pick-Up Detection
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The following table lists the firmware versions iden-
tified in this errata.
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Note: Initial test vector coverage did not include
UART testing. The testing has been fixed and die
after date code 0136 SL UART has been fully tested.
Problem #1 - Autobaud Detection
Versions: Z02215 ROM Code 4508
Updated: July 17, 2000
Problem: Some character sequences other than AT
can cause the automatic detection of speed and parity
of characters from the terminal to fail, preventing
modem command input from the terminal. This is
expected to be a very rare occurrence in embedded
environments where the communication between the
Z02215 and its host processor are carefully con-
Solution: If the Z02215 fails to respond to a modem
AT command, reset the Z02215.
Problem #2 - Parallel Phone Off-Hook
and Parallel Phone Pick-Up Detection
Versions: Z02215 ROM Code 4508
Updated: July 17, 2000
Problem: Off-hook and Pick-up detection do not
work properly.
Solution: None
Problem #3 - Ring Indicator (RI)
Versions: Z02215 ROM Code 50A5
Updated: July 17, 2000
Problem: After reset, the Z02215 RI is set to 0V
(active). This is incorrect. This may cause a host pro-
cessor monitoring the RI to not detect the first RING
Solution: The state of the RI signal is corrected by
the Z02215 when the telephone is placed on-hook
after a data connection, or after the first RING is
received from the telephone line. To detect a RING
using the RI signal, detect the rising edge (that is,
detect the end of the RING when RI switches from
active to inactive).
Problem #4 - Parallel Phone Pick-Up
Versions: Z02215 ROM Code 50A5
Updated: July 17, 2000
Problem: When pick-up detection is enabled, the
Z02215 will detect itself taking the telephone off-
hook to dial or answer a call as a parallel extension
being taken off-hook. This results in the Z02215
immediately placing the telephone line back on-
Solution: A software solution for outgoing calls is to
Document Outline
- Z02215
- This Product Update provides errata information for the Z02215 Single-Chip Modem.
- The following table lists the firmware versions identified in this errata.
- Problem: Some character sequences other than AT can cause the automatic detection of speed and pa...
- Solution: If the Z02215 fails to respond to a modem AT command, reset the Z02215.
- Problem: Off-hook and Pick-up detection do not work properly.
- Solution: None
- Problem: After reset, the Z02215 RI is set to 0V (active). This is incorrect. This may cause a ho...
- Solution: The state of the RI signal is corrected by the Z02215 when the telephone is placed on-h...
- Problem: When pick-up detection is enabled, the Z02215 will detect itself taking the telephone of...
- Solution: A software solution for outgoing calls is to dial:
- ATH1, DT1234567
- “H1” takes the telephone off-hook, “,” causes the Z02215 to wait the time in S-Register S8 (defau...
- Similarly, to answer the telephone, use
- ATH1,A
- Alternatively, design a pick-up detection circuit that does not respond for a sufficient period o...
- Problem: When unformatted caller ID option is used (AT#CID=0), the final octet of the caller ID p...
- Solution: No solution is possible. All data octets are passed onto the host as received but witho...