Tempest XYZ User Manual

Tempest xyz mount – assembly and use, – vertical pole mounting

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The XYZ Kit allows you to install any
Blizzard or Thunder enclosure at any angle
from either a vertical 2”/50mm OD pole or
on a horizontal pipe or truss.

Tempest XYZ Mount – Assembly and Use

Part Number Description


Tempest XYZ Mount for Vertical Pole


Tempest XYZ Mount for Pipe or Truss

6500.XYZ – Vertical Pole Mounting

The 6500.XYZ Mount is designed to attach to the bottom of a
vertical pole with an outside diameter between 1.75-2” [45-
50mm]. The pole must be securely attached to the building
structure in accordance with local safety regulations.
1. Remove the nuts and washers from the two collar bolts.
2. Remove the pan locking knob
3. Insert the pipe collar through the hole in the yoke plate

from below

4. Re-attach the nuts and washers, and tighten with a suitable


5. Replace the pan locking knob
6. Remove the Safety bolt and locknut from the safety collar
7. Offer the collar up to the bottom of the mounting pole and

drill a 7/16”[11mm] hole through the bottom of the pipe

8. Assemble the XYZ Mount to the enclosure, using the four

bolts and spring nuts on the XYZ Mount cradle. Be sure to
twist the spring nuts into the Unistrut rails so that they grip

9. Adjust the position of the XYZ Mount along the Unistrut

channels to position as close as possible to the center of

10. Lift the enclosure onto the bottom of the vertical pipe - THIS


11. Have a THIRD PERSON slide the safety collar onto the bot-

tom of the pipe and insert the safety bolt through the hole
in the pipe drilled in step 7.

12. Rest the enclosure on top of the safety collar, and replace

the safety collar locknut. YOU MUST USE THE SAFETY COL-
LAR AS DESCRIBED IN STEPS 7-10. Tempest accepts no
liability for unsafe installation.

13. NOTE: For a steady projected image it is very important

that the vertical pole be secure and firmly braced, especially
when using larger enclosures with heavy projectors.

Collar Bolt

Pan Locking


Pipe Collar

Yoke Plate

Safety Collar

Safety Bolt

Safety Bolt


6500.XYZ Mount on
a Blizzard projector

Adjust the position of
the XYZ Mount on the
enclosure Unistrut Rails
as close as possible to
the center of gravity.

Spring Nuts

Figure 1

Figure 2