TelVue AdCaster User Manual
Page 8

Figure 2.4: This screen allows the user to select which device they want to
configure. Use the up and down arrows to select a device.
either DHCP or static configuration. Selecting DHCP will try to auto-configure
the Ethernet device, but requires that you have a DHCP server on the network.
Using the up and down arrows you can select the no option and begin the static
IP configuration.
Figure 2.5: This allows the user to use choose between DHCP and static
The IP address for the device must now be specified. Use the left and right
arrows to select the part of the IP to modify. Then use the up and down arrows
to adjust its value. An underscore will appear below the value that is currently
being modified. Make sure you are using a valid IP address for the network the
AdCaster is on.
Figure 2.6: Set the static IP of the unit. Use the left and right arrows to select
the digit, and the up and down arrows to modify it.
Once a valid IP address has been entered, press the enter key to accept and