C8601, C8000, Digital audio modular processing system – Junger Audio C8601 - Dolby® D/D+/E decoder User Manual

Page 8: Dolby, E / d / d plus decoder

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digital audio
processing system




E / D / D plus decoder


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Error Detection

[On / Off]

The serial audio data from the frame bus can be monitored for proper
positioning of an Error-Flag. A bad Error-Flag is an indication that
there is disturbance upstream (input signal, input module).
The Error Detection can be turned Off and On for each input from the
bus. You will see the status on the left hand side: “Input Status”.
A grey “LED” shows that the detection is disabled. While green is OK,
red indicates an error condition.

The bus status as well as the external Input (BNC) status may be
presented to external monitoring systems via SNMP. The frame controller
summarizes such status information and generates SNMP traps for the
frame as an entity or may activate GPOs (if a GPI/O module is installed).
The SNMP manager may afterwards poll the “modulesStatus” for more
detailed status information per input
(see SNMP documentation for details).

SNMP: Metadata Error

[Off / On]

The metadata error is part of the module status information presented via
SNMP. To avoid unnecessary alarms you may disable this function in
case the module is temporarily not in use.


display of general decoder parameters

Decoder Configuration

Bitstream Format

[Dolby E 16Bit / Dolby E 20 Bit / Dolby Digital / Dolby Digital +]

Shows the format of the decoded bit stream.