Vehicle recovery system (vrs) – Directed Electronics 460MAX User Manual

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Vehicle Recovery System (VRS)

The optional VRS


feature is designed to en sure that any un au-

tho rized user of your vehicle (even if using your keys and remote
control) will not be able to per ma nent ly separate you from your

The VRS cannot prevent a carjacking attempt; how ev er, it does
en sure that if your vehicle is taken by an un au tho rized user, it will
be disabled (after several pro gres sive warn ings) as safely as pos-
sible. Should a carjacking occur, the VRS allows you to concern
yourself with your personal safety without worrying about your

Directed has en gi neered this vehicle security system, the Failsafe


Starter Kill, and the VRS feature to pro vide the best com bi na tion
of personal safe ty and property pro tec tion available. When prop-
erly installed, the system can never in ad vert ent ly stop your vehicle
in traffc or on railroad tracks while the vehicle is in operation. It
is unlike other systems that shut down your engine while it is run-
ning. This sys tem is de signed to per form starter in ter rupt, or starter
kill. The Failsafe Starter Kill cannot shut down an already-running
en gine – it can only pre vent an engine from starting in the frst

Important! Any in stal la tion that allows this product to
shut down a vehicle’s engine when it is running is con-
trary to the product’s design and in tend ed usage, and
Directed hereby ex press ly dis claims any liability re sult-
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