Directed Electronics 460MAX User Manual
Page 27

© 2008 Directed Electronics - All rights reserved.
Comfort closure: To close the vehicles windows after remote
locking. Can only be used on cars with the capability of
closing windows (and on some cars the sunroof) with the key
cylinder in the door.
Full trigger response 30 or 60 seconds: This determines how
long the full triggered sequence lasts. Some states have laws
regulating how long a security system can sound before it is
considered a nuisance. If your installer is programming the
security system with the Directed Bitwriter, the full triggered
response can be programmed for any duration ranging from
1 to 180 seconds.
Nuisance Prevention
on or off: Please refer to the
NPC section of this manual for a complete explanation of
how NPC operates. If NPC is pro grammed off, the se cu ri ty
sys tem will respond to inputs from any sensor in def nite ly.
Note: Because many states have laws regulating security
systems, pro gram ming NPC off may cause your sys tem to
violate state laws.
Progressive door trigger
on or off: When the system is armed
and a door is opened, the system responds with ten chirps
prior to be gin ning the full triggered sequence. If an instant
trigger is desired, the progressive door trigger can be pro-
grammed off.
Valet pulse count: The number of presses of the Valet switch
required to disarm the security system, AED, or the VRS®
system can be programmed from one to fve presses. The
default setting is one press.