5 retrofitting procedure – Casella CEL CEL-393 User Manual

Page 62

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Serial 1200 Baud, 8-Bits plus start and two
stop bits.

Control lines

Listener ready.


Five byte packages, first is mnemonic code
followed by four data bytes as per main
display, most significant bit first.


With interface active, the contents of the
memory will be downloaded, and all following
answers transferred in real time.
With interface inactive, answers are held in
internal memory until they can be accepted
over the interface.
It should be noted that the decimal point is not
sent to the output.


Memory Configuration

The need to handle the increased work load of the B version results in a
reduced storage capacity in all modes of operation, and the new capaci-
ties are as follows.

Profile Mode:

Approx. 499 periods,

Environmental Mode:

Approx. 60 periods,

Event Mode:

Approx. 119 events,

Analysis Mode: Approx. 15 Third octave sweeps, or 35 full

octave sweeps.


Memory cannot be mixed between different modes.


Retrofitting Procedure

The retrofit kit CEL-393RA/B allows any A version to be up-graded to a
B version. However for instruments earlier than serial number 067000,
contact the factory or authorized distributors.


393 Handbook