ABUS Technologies LPI-PT Loop Powered Indicator User Manual
Page 8

After the digital display was connected to the current circle 4 ~ 20mA, the
LCD is lighted, and the name of the manufacturer is displayed, and further
enters into the interface of display.
2. Zero-point (value to be displayed for 4mA)
Press button “A+B”, unit is displayed:
“A+B” menu item for setting.
“A” to move the cursor; “B” to change the value that the cursor points to.
“A+B” to confirm and store setting and return to the menu item.
3. Span (value to be displayed for 20mA)
Press button “B”, unit is displayed.
“A+B” menu item for setting.
“A” to move the cursor, “B” to change the value that the cursor points to.
“A+B” to confirm and store setting and return to the menu item.
4. Decimal Point
Press button “A”, unit is displayed.
“A+B” menu item for setting.
“A” to move the decimal towards left; “B” to move it towards right.
“A+B” to confirm and store setting and return to the menu item.
5. Damping
Press button “B”, unit is displayed.
“A+B” menu item for setting.
“A” to increase it by step of 0.5s and “B” to reduce it by step of 0.5s. (Min=0s,
Max=20s, step 0.5s)
“A+B” to confirm and store setting and return to the menu item.
6. Alarm
Press button “A”, unit is displayed.
“A+B” menu item for setting.