Deni Freshlock Vacuum Sealer 1331 User Manual

Page 7

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Save leftovers or send your guests home with leftovers.

Save luncheon meat, cheese and salad fresh from the


Pack food for picnics, barbecues, boating and camping.

Save garden-fresh vegetables.

Preserve coffee beans.

Prepare after-school snacks.

Package vitamins or medication for daily dosage.

Send “Care Packages” to loved ones.

General Storage

Protect valuable documents such as insurance policies.

Preserve treasured photographs.

Keep matches, maps and other items safe and dry

when boating, on picnics or camping.

Seal cosmetics, lotions, etc., against spills in cosmetic

cases, travel bags and suitcases.

Also wrap shoes separately to protect clothing.

Preserve newspaper articles.

Protect rare and valuable books.

Prevent silverware from tarnishing.

Keep seeds and bulbs safe and dry for planting next


Distribute party favors.

Organize the kids’ toys and crayons.

Keep dice and other game pieces from being lost.

Organize hardware items...screws, nails, nuts and bolts,


Protect baseball card and stamp collections.

Pack bandages and other first-aid items for travel.

Seal and freeze ice for use in coolers and as a cold

compress for bumps, bruises, aches and pains.

Protect small items of clothing against moth infestation.

Protect jewelry and family heirlooms.

Keep computer disks dust free.

Store and organize countless items around the home

such as paper clips, rubber bands, buttons and sewing

items, etc.