2 nap s1 connection panel, 3 nap s1 audio outputs and connections, 3 . 2 n a p s 1 c o n n e c t i o n p a n e l – Naim Audio NAP S1 User Manual
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N A P S 1 A U D I O O U T P U T S A N D C O N N E C T I O N S
Each NAP S1 power amplifier incorporates a single speaker output located on its connection panel.
This is illustrated in Diagram 3.2.
Naim speaker cable should be used with NAP S1 power amplifiers. Alternative speaker cables are
technically compatible the NAP S1 however the NAP S1 was specifically designed to be used with
Naim cable and it will provide the best results. Your Naim retailer will be able to make-up speaker
cables terminated with the appropriate hardware and of the required length.
The NAP S1 speaker output terminals can accept Naim Statement speaker connection plugs,
standard 4mm plugs, or spade connectors. If either Statement speaker plugs or standard 4mm
plugs are to be used they can be inserted directly into the socket aperture. If spade connectors
are to be used, the NAP S1 speaker terminals must be loosened, and re-tightened once the spade
connectors are in place. To loosen a NAP S1 speaker terminal, first pull its red or black coloured
cap away from the brass nut beneath, then use the supplied wrench to turn the nut. Replace the
coloured cap when the nut is re-tightened.
W A R N I N G . The NAP S1 can generate output voltages high enough to cause mild electric shock.
Ensure that the NAP S1 is switched off before touching its output terminals.
Ensure when connecting speakers that they are “in phase”; that is, the positive and negative
connection orientation at both the speaker and power amplifier ends of the cable is the same
for both channels.
N O T E . The NAP S1 speaker terminals are labelled “hot” and “cold”. Hot is equivalent to positive in a
conventional amplifier and cold is equivalent to negative. Hot and cold are used rather than negative and
positive because the NAP S1 is a bridged amplifier design in which both terminals are “active”. In a
conventional amplifier, only the positive terminal is active – the negative terminal is connected to the
system earth.
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N A P S 1 C O N N E C T I O N P A N E L
RJ45: CAN bus x 2
Jack: Trigger in x 1
Trigger out x 1
USB: Firmware update
Balanced XLR input
Speaker output
Mains power
Power switch
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