1 nac 282 source inputs and record outputs, 2 nac 282 and nac 202 input socket assignment, 3 nac 282 and nac 202 record mute – Naim Audio NAC-N 172 XS User Manual

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NAC 282, NAC 202 & NAC 152 XS

10 NAC 282, NAC 202 and NAC 152 XS

Introduction and Installation

The NAC 282, NAC 202 and NAC 152 XS preamplifiers do not incorporate an internal power
supply but must be used in conjunction with either a Naim power amplifier incorporating
a preamplifier power output, or with an appropriate Naim power supply. The NAC 282 is
however supplied with a NAPSC power supply that provides power to its display and control
circuits. Diagrams 12.1 to 12.5 illustrate a variety of power supply connections and options.

The preamplifier and power supply, which may be a Naim power amplifier, should be installed
on a dedicated equipment stand intended for the purpose. Do not stand either directly on top
of another item of equipment. Care should be taken to ensure that the equipment stand is

The preamplifier and power supply should be installed in their final locations before
connecting cables or switching on. Ensure that the preamplifier volume is turned down before
switching on.

The following paragraphs describe installation features and functions specific to the NAC 282,
NAC 202 and NAC 152 XS. Operational features common to all preamplifiers are described in
Section 14.

10.1 NAC 282

Source Inputs and Record Outputs

The NAC 282 provides both input and record output selection
buttons arranged in two banks on its front panel.

The input selection buttons are arranged along the upper bank
and select the source signal to be routed to the power amplifier
and the loudspeakers. Below them, in the lower bank, are a
corresponding array of buttons which select the signal to be
routed to the NAC 282 record outputs.

These separate source and record sections enable one source
(a CD player, for example) to be heard whilst the output from
another (say, the tuner) is simultaneously selected for recording.


It is possible to lock the record controls and prevent

accidental de-selection during recording. Record-lock is
switched on or off by pressing the source mon button four times
within six seconds.

10.2 NAC 282 and NAC 202

Input Socket Assignment

The input selection buttons select the source input signal to be
routed to the power amplifier and the loudspeakers.

The NAC 282 and NAC 202 have six DIN input sockets and
two alternative pairs of RCA Phono sockets. The RCA Phono
sockets can be assigned individually to the



aux 2


buttons in place of the DIN sockets.

Input assignment setup is accessed through preamplifier

program mode

. To switch into (or exit from) program mode

press and hold the


key on the remote handset (with the

handset in preamplifier mode). Program mode is indicated by a
flashing indicator on the front panel volume control and, on the
NAC 282, the record selection button indicators extinguishing.


If no function is operated within five minutes of entering

program mode the preamplifier will return to normal mode

Once in program mode press and hold the remote handset


key to select or de-select the RCA Phono socket input for


, and the remote handset


key to select or de-select the

RCA Phono socket input for

aux 2

. The corresponding front

panel input buttons can similarly be used to select or de-select
the RCA Phono socket inputs. The appropriate input button
indicator will flash three times on selection of the RCA Phono
option and once on selection of the DIN option.

To exit from program mode press and hold the


key on the

handset until the record select indicators are restored and the
volume indicator stops flashing.

10.3 NAC 282 and NAC 202 Record Mute

At times when the NAC 282 or NAC 202 record outputs are not
required it is good practice to mute them in order to minimise
power consumption and maximise sound quality.

10.3.1 NAC 282 Record Mute

To engage the NAC 282 record mute simply press the record
(lower) bank front panel



10.3.2 NAC 202 Record Mute

To engage or disengage the NAC 202

record mute

press the

front panel


button followed by the front panel


button. The


button indicator will illuminate when record

mute is engaged and extinguish when it is disengaged. Record
mute can also be engaged and disengaged from the remote
handset using the





Operational features
common to all
preamplifiers are
described in Section 14