Operation – Ryobi RAP200G User Manual
Page 12

12 — English
Soak spray tip(s) and nozzle tip guard in water (for water
based paints) or Klean Strip® Green Safer Paint Thinner
(for oil-based paints or varnish), rinse.
Return any unused paint or stain to its original container.
If using paint station container, rinse clean with water (for
water based paints) or Klean Strip® Green Safer Paint
Thinner (for oil-based paints or varnish). Empty into waste
Remove filter from intake tube, soak in cleaning fluid and
Fill paint station container with water (for water based
paints) or Klean Strip® Green Safer Paint Thinner (for
oil-based paints or varnish).
NOTE: If flushing or cleaning using water for water based
materials, It may be easier to use a garden hose and the
garden hose attachment (included). Remove filter from
intake tube (1) and attach intake tube to garden hose with
attachment. (2)
Place intake tube to paint station container.
Place return tube in original paint container.
Place original paint container right next to waste con-
Turn prime/spray lever to PRIME.
Turn HIGH/LOW pressure control counterclockwise to
LOW pressure.
Turn ON/OFF switch ON.
The paint station will draw cleaning fluid up the intake tube
through the pump and out the return tube into the paint
container. Move the return tube from the paint container to
the waste container as soon as the cleaning fluid starts to
come out of the return tube.
Turn prime/spray lever to SPRAY.
Unlock pistol-grip sprayer.
Point pistol-grip sprayer at the interior side of original
paint container to run out paint in system so as not to
waste paint.
Move the pistol-grip sprayer from the paint container to
the waste container as soon as the cleaning fluid starts
to come out sprayer.
Let fluid run through system for at least 1 minute (until
clean fluid is noticed).
NOTE: If using the garden hose adapter, turn on garden
hose and run water through system until water runs clear.
Leave system running for approximately one minute or
until cleaning fluid runs clear.
Turn prime/spray lever to PRIME.
Turn ON/OFF switch OFF.
Unplug the paint station.
Dispose of dirty water (or Klean Strip® Green Safer Paint
Thinner) in accordance with federal, state, and local
Always use drop cloths or other cover to protect areas
from possible spills.
Disconnect the roller head from the roller handle and pour
the remaining paint or stain from the roller head and roller
handle into the original container.
Thoroughly clean the roller and accessories by soaking
and rinsing in water (for water based paints) or Klean
Strip® Green Safer Paint Thinner (for oil-based paints or
See Figure 21, page 19.
Shut down the paint station using
Release Pressure
Unplug the paint station.
Check that pistol-grip sprayer trigger is locked off.
Remove pistol-grip sprayer from the high pressure hose
using two adjustable wrenches.
Unscrew hex socket screw and lock nut to release trigger
guard from plate on the base of sprayer.
Using wrench, turn handle counterclockwise to re-
Remove filter from handle, noting direction of filter.
Thoroughly clean filter container with water (for water
based paints) or Klean Strip® Green Safer Paint Thinner
(for oil-based paints or varnish).
If filter has any holes, replace with new filter. NEVER
puncture filter with any object.
Replace filter in handle, tapered end down facing back of
sprayer. Sprayer will not work if filter is improperly inserted
in handle.
Reassemble pistol-grip sprayer in reverse order, tighten