Z-Systems z-qualizer User Manual

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z-Qualizer manual

Z-Systems Audio Engineering





Here you can display and adjust the left channel shelf independently. Similarly, turn

the left knob to the R position and adjust the right channel. If you then return to ste-

reo-linked mode, the L and R filters retain their settings until you change a parameter
in S mode. For example, if the L and R gains are different for the low shelving filter, if

you return to stereo-linked mode and adjust the gain, it gets copied to both the L and

R filters.

Important: You will notice that the “L” indicator in the display is blinking. This is to
remind you that the z-Qualizer is in dual-mono mode. The same is true for the “R”

when you are adjusting the right-channel parameters.

The other bands:

The high-shelf filter is accessed by turning the right knob one click clockwise from the
gain position, and performs exactly as above for stereo-linked or dual-mono equaliza-

tion. The freq knob controls the frequency above which action occurs.

The four bell-shaped parametrics are numbered as 1, 2, 3, and 4 on the right knob.

Turn the right knob to any of these positions and you will see:





This indicates, in order, stereo-linked or dual-mono mode, boost/cut, center fre-

quency, and quality factor, or Q. As always, the label is above its corresponding knob,

and as above, turning the left knob to L and R will allow you to control the left or right
channel separately. Q is the inverse of bandwidth. It is the product of center fre-

quency divided by the 3 dB down bandwidth. Thus, a Q of 0.4 produces an extremely
wide curve and will be rarely used. A Q of 0.6 or 0.7 corresponds with the bandwidth

of a typical midrange EQ in an analog equalizer.

M/S & Dither


Turn the left knob to m-s & dither, The alphanumeric display will appear as follows:

24 un



As in all z-Qualizer menus, the labels appear above the knob which affects the pa-
rameter. For example, in this menu, you can change the wordlength and dither by ro-

tating the left knob to any of the following: