Z-Systems z-256.z256 digital detangler User Manual
Digital detangler pro instructions, Z-32.32r rear panel (above), Z-64.64r rear panel (above)

Digital Detangler Pro Manual Z-Systems Audio Engineering
Digital Detangler Pro Instructions
The Digital Detangler Pro is an automated patchbay/distribution-amplifier for digital audio
signals. The primary function of the Digital Detangler Pro is to route the outputs of different
machines to the inputs of other machines. For example, the output of a digital audio workstation
(DAW) may be sent to the inputs of 16 DAT machines simultaneously. Or, the output of one DAW
may be sent to 8 DAT machines while the output of another DAW is sent to another 5 DAT
machines and the output of an A/D converter is sent to still another 3 machines. The power of the
Digital Detangler Pro is that the various devices are physically connected to the Digital Detangler
Pro in one configuration, while the output-to-input routing patterns can be changed dynamically
without needing to unplug and rearrange cables.
The terminology used throughout this manual is simple. Device outputs are sent to the
Digital Detangler Pro’s inputs. These signals are referenced by the term "from." The Digital
Detangler Pro’s outputs are sent to device inputs. These signals are reference by the term "to."
For example, we route "from" a CD player "to" a DAT machine.
Figure 1 shows the rear panel layouts of the various Digital Detangler Pro models.
Observe that the Digital Detangler Pro uses DB25 connectors for its digital audio inputs and
outputs. The pinout is the same one that the Tascam DA88 uses for its analog I/O, only you will
want to use digital cable. We can provide you with these cables or we can refer you to various
other vendors.
z-systems audio engineering, gainesville, fl, usa
RS422 in
RS422 thru
to 1-8
to 9-16
from 1-8
from 9-16
110/220 VAC
voltage selection
caution: pin 1 = +5VDC
z-16.16r and z-8.8r rear panel (above)
z-systems audio engineering, gainesville, fl, usa
to 1-8
to 17-24
to 25-32
to 9-16
from 1-8
from 9-16
from 17-24
from 25-32
110/220 VAC
voltage selection
RS422 in
RS422 thru
caution: pin 1 = +5VDC
110/220 VAC
voltage selection
z-32.32r rear panel (above)
z-systems audio engineering, gainesville, fl, usa
RS422 in
RS422 thru
to 1-8
to 33-40
to 41-48
to 17-24
to 25-32
to 49-56
to 57-64
to 9-16
from 1-8
from 9-16
from 17-24
from 25-32
from 33-40
from 41-48
from 49-56
from 57-64
110/220 VAC
voltage selection
caution: pin 1 = +5VDC
z-64.64r rear panel (above)