Z-Systems z-8.8a Lightpipe digital detangler User Manual
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z-8.8a Digital Detangler instruction manual
z-systems audio engineering, 2000
Lightpipe and ADAT are trademarks of Alesis Corporation
Front Panel Controls
a) Routing pattern display. The routing pattern display gives a visual indication of which
sources are connected to which destinations. For example, the display shows source 1
connected to destination 1, source 6 connected to destination 2, source 8 connected to
destination 3, and so on. Also note that the same source can be connected to multiple
destinations (this is called a "mult"). The routing pattern display shows that source 2 is
connected to both destinations 5 and 6.
b) Destination legend. The destination legend shows which destination is being addressed by
the destination and source knobs. Note that destination 8 corresponds to the S/PDIF
outputs from the z-8.8a. Note further that the destination legend is silkscreened on the front
panel because it is not variable. That is, a given destination may have only a single source
connected to it at any given time.
c) Destination knob. The primary function of the destination knob is to control which
destination is being addressed by the user interface. The routing pattern display will blink
the corresponding source as the destination knob is rotated. A blinking routing pattern
is an indication that the routing pattern has changed and that the route button needs
to be pressed.
d) Source knob. The primary function of the source knob is to control which source is being
sent to the corresponding destination, as indicated in the routing pattern display. The source
knob also functions as a preset selection knob in the load and save modes.