Saving and loading presets – Z-Systems z-8.8 digital detangler User Manual

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Z-Systems Audio Engineering

z-8.8 Manual

controls. Figure 2 shows the state of the z-8.8 in the normal mode of operation.

The eight-character LED display is used to indicate sources and the silk-screened

legend beneath it is used to indicate destinations. In other words, as shown in

Figure 2, source 1 is feeding destination 1, source 5 is feeding destination 2,

source 3 is feeding destinations 3, 4, and 5, and so on.

Suppose you wish to change the configuration so that destination 6 is being fed
by source 1. The first step is to turn the

to knob until the character above

destination 6 is blinking. Then turn the

from knob until the desired source is

showing in the LED display above the destination 6 legend. The next step is to
hit the

route button. You will notice at this point that the LED display has

stopped blinking. This is to let you know that your changes have been sent to

the connection matrix.

In general, the procedure for connecting a source to a destination is as follows.
First rotate the

to knob to get the display blinking above the desired destination.

Then rotate the

from knob to display the desired source. Finally, hit the route

button to make the connection. You may make as many changes as you want
before hitting the

route button. Remember, the blinking display is to remind

you to send your changes to the connection matrix.

Saving and loading presets

A very useful feature of the z-8.8 is its ability to save and load preset
configurations. To save a configuration once it has been set up, first hit the
save button. The z-8.8 in save mode is shown in Figure 3. Simply rotate the
left knob to bring up the desired "patch" number (you have up to 80 storage
locations) and then hit the

save button again to finish the operation. To abort

the save operation, just hit the

cancel button. Hitting either save or cancel

will return you to the normal mode of operation.