DCS SW 6000 User Manual
Page 7

Danish Interpretation Systems
Installation Manual
Manual 01 19 60011
Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (and 3) corrections
Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 and 3 is available from Microsoft; however those service packs have
some built in errors, which have to be corrected before running SW 6000.
A description in how to correct the fault can be found below or at
1. Make sure that the Log On As account for the MSDTC service is the Network Service account. To do this,
follow these steps:
a. Click Start, and then click Run.
b. In the Run dialog box, type Services.msc, and then click OK.
c. In the Services window, locate the Distributed Transaction Coordinator service under Name in the
right pane.
d. Under the Log On As column, see whether the Log On As account is Network Service or Local
If the Log On As account is Network Service, go to step 2. If the Log On As account is Local System
account, continue with these steps.
e. Click Start, and then click Run.
f. In the Run dialog box, type cmd, and then click OK.
g. At the command prompt, type Net stop msdtc to stop the MSDTC service.
h. At the command prompt, type Msdtc –uninstall to remove MSDTC.
i. At the command prompt, type regedit to open Registry Editor.
j. In Registry Editor, locate the following key:
Delete this key.
k. Quit Registry Editor.
l. At the command prompt, type Msdtc –install to install MSDTC.
m. At the command prompt, type Net start msdtc to start the MSDTC service.
Note that the Log On As account for the MSDTC service is set to Network Service account.
2. Enable MSDTC to allow the network transaction. To do this, follow these steps:
a. Click Start, and then click Run.
b. In the Run dialog box, type dcomcnfg.exe, and then click OK.
c. In the Component Services window, expand Component Services, expand Computers, and then
expand My Computer.
d. Right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.
e. In the My Computer Properties dialog box, click Security Configuration on the MSDTC tab.
f. In the Security Configuration dialog box, click to select the Network DTC Access check box.
g. To allow the distributed transaction to run on this computer from a remote computer, click to select the
Allow Inbound check box.
h. To allow the distributed transaction to run on a remote computer from this computer, click to select the
Allow Outbound check box.
i. Under the Transaction Manager Communication group, click to select the No Authentication Required
j. In the Security Configuration dialog box, click OK.
k. In the My Computer Properties dialog box, click OK.
3. Configure Windows Firewall to include the MSDTC program and to include port 135 as an exception. To do
this, follow these steps: