Tube Tech MMC 1A MIC Preamp and DI and multiband compressor User Manual
Page 3

Lydkraft ApS
Mose Allé 20, DK2610 Rødovre
The threshold is the point where the compressor begins to respond.
It is defined as the point where the gain is reduced by 1 dB.
The threshold is continuously variable from off to -20 dBU.
ATTACK: The attack control chooses how fast/slow the compressor responds to an
increase in the input signal.
The attack control is continuously variable from 1 to 100 milliseconds.
RELEASE: The release control chooses how fast/slow the compressor responds to a
decrease in the input signal.
The release control is continuously variable from 0,07 to 2,5 seconds.
GAIN: The gain control is used to "make up" for the gain loss, which takes place
when the unit is compressing. The gain control is continuously variable
from off to +10 dB.
OUTPUT GAIN: The gain control is used to "make up" for the gain loss, which takes place
when the unit is compressing. The gain control is continuously variable
from off to +10 dB.
COMP in/out:
This switch bypasses the whole compressor section.