TFC Group Talento 892 Plus User Manual
Page 32
Channel extension – Add
Communication between the channel
extension and the timer takes place via
Powerline Communication (PLC)
Channel extension and timer must be oper-
ated in the same phase
The distance between the two devices must
not be more than 50 meters
You can extend the timer to up to eight
channels Add each extension separately
Extension A = Channels 3 and 4
Extension B = Channels 5 and 6
Extension C = Channels 7 and 8
See also other documents in the category TFC Group Relay:
- Grasslin SB-Digi+ 24/7 Digital Socket Box Timeswitch (16 pages)
- IHT-GPT01 (24hr) & IHT-GPW01 (7day) (2 pages)
- EMD120 (18 pages)
- Immersion Heater Timer Code: IHT-Digi 20 (20 pages)
- STA600BP(Topica 600) (2 pages)
- V86/1,2,3,4 Digi 322 (8 pages)
- Famoso 601 (24 Hr) (2 pages)
- Feeling RF Room Thermostat (42 pages)
- Famoso 1000 (Hard Wired) (3 pages)
- Famoso 1000 RF (2 pages)
- Famoso 505 (24 Hr) (9 pages)
- Tactic 371.1 Plus Digital Timeswitch (15 pages)
- Tactic 571.1 Plus Digital Timeswitch (10 pages)
- Tactic 571.1 (2 pages)
- Talento 371 Mini Plus (11 pages)
- Talento 371 Plus (9 pages)
- Talento 471 Plus (18 pages)
- Talento 791 Plus (10 pages)
- Talento 891 (34 pages)
- Tunus 502 (2 Channel) (5 pages)
- Tunus 771 (11 pages)
- Trealux 510 Staircase Switch (24 pages)
- Trealux 710 (7 pages)
- Trealux 310 (4 pages)
- RFWRT (4 pages)
- HWPRS (4 pages)
- ECO ET1 (2 pages)
- ECO ET2 (2 pages)
- ECO ET3 (2 pages)
- ECO ET4 (3 pages)
- Towerstat REM STT/REM (22 pages)
- Towerstat SP STTR/SP (21 pages)
- STTR/F (19 pages)
- Grasslin QEG-1 (2 pages)
- Grasslin QEG-2 (2 pages)
- Towerchron QM1 (20 pages)
- Towerchron QM2 (20 pages)
- Towerchron QE1 (48 pages)