Introduction – Taser Axon-Flex User Manual

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What Is the AXON flex System?

The AXON flex® system is a camera system incorporating an audio and video recording device to be worn by you

while performing your job duties. Multiple mounting options are available to customize the system to your needs.

The components are designed for use in tough environmental conditions. The system is designed to record events

in real time for secure storage, retrieval, and analysis via the website or in an Offline configuration

to your local computer. The recorded events are transferred to your storage solution via the evidence transfer

manager (ETM), the Dock, or by using EVIDENCE Sync software installed on a Windows computer.

The system has two operating modes. The default mode, or BUFFERING mode, provides pre-event buffering to

capture activities that occur prior to the user activating the EVENT mode. In addition, the AXON® Mobile application

enables playback of footage on a smart phone for review prior to storing the data.

Instructional videos for using your AXON flex system are available at under Training Videos.

Additional Reading

This manual explains how to operate the AXON flex hardware. Other manuals cover additional aspects of the AXON

flex system. These documents are available at

The TASER AXON System End-to-End Deployment Guide explains how to register for the website,

configure settings, install EVIDENCE Sync software, assign personnel to cameras, recharge your controller, and

transfer video from an AXON device to a computer.

Detailed instructions for using AXON cameras and other TASER products with EVIDENCE Sync are available in the

EVIDENCE Sync User Manual.

For instructions on using your AXON flex camera with a smart device, see the AXON Mobile for Android Devices

User Manual or the AXON Mobile for IOS Devices User Manual, as appropriate.

If you have an Dock, see the Dock User Manual for how to transfer information and

recharge your controller.
