StorCase Technology DX100-SNC User Manual

Single-connect adapter board

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D89-0000-0069 - Rev. A00 Kingston Technology Company


This document provides detailed information to support Kingston's Single-Connect Adapter Board (Part #s: DX100-
SNC and DX100-SWC). This adapter allows the connection between either a standard 50-pin 8-bit SCSI or a 68-pin
Wide 16-bit SCSI cable connector, and a storage device which has a Single-Connect (80-pin) type interface connec-
tor. The DX100-SWC also supports Ultra 2 SCSI (Low Voltage Differential (LVD) and Single-Ended) interfaces.

The Single-Connect Adapter Board provides a standard 4-pin Molex Power connector, and several jumper options as
described below. For information regarding jumper setting requirements for the specific storage device, please refer
to the device manufacturer's documentation.

Figure 1- Single-Connect Configuration (8-bit version shown)

Figure 2 - Single-Connect Adapter Board

(16-bit shown; 8-bit connector is Male)

Jumpers on the Single-Connect Adapter Board are factory-installed on the Enable Termination Power (TPR) pins, and
on all of the SCSI ID Select (ID0-ID3) pins. These jumpers may be reconfigured as required. Refer to the following
information for pin descriptions.
