Rupert Neve Shelford 5051 Inductor EQ / Compressor User Manual
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console designs of the 70’s. The frequencies chosen are 200 Hz, 350 Hz, 700 Hz, 1.5kHz, 3 kHz and 6
kHz. 200 Hz is especially useful for cuts on individual tracks within a dense mix.
The resonance or Q of the mid band at maximum boost is typically 2 when the button is out. When the
MID HI Q is pressed at maximum boost, the Q narrows to approximately 3.5. The Q widens nicely
with less boost or cut as is typical for passive EQ circuits. The Q tends to be slightly wider when the
frequency is set lower, and slightly higher for higher frequency selections. The Q is also narrower for cuts
than it is for boosts and the mid band is non-symmetrical by design.
Adjusts up to 15 dB of boost or cut at the selected mid frequencies. Remember to reduce the signal level
at the source to minimize the potential for distortion when any of the 3 bands are boosted significantly.
Switches the order of the equalizer and compressor sections. With the button out, the equalizer is before
the compressor, which means that moderate changes to the EQ settings may require some adjustment
of the compressor threshold to maintain a similar amount of compression, or make up gain to maintain
a target output level. With the switch pressed in post mode, the EQ follows the compressor. Now
moderate changes to the EQ will not affect the compressor, but one may miss having the compressor
responding to EQ settings. Also, the EQ will likely have a greater effect on output levels, which may in
turn be compensated for with the compressor gain. Each mode has benefits and drawbacks, and many
engineers have preferences as to whether they like the EQ pre or post compression.
Engages an 18 dB per octave Butterworth high pass filter to remove unwanted low frequency sounds.
This button actually allows two different corner frequencies. The first press selects a 60 Hz filter
denoted by the light illuminating blue. The second press selects a 120 Hz filter denoted by the button
illuminating red. The third press cycles the filter back to “off” or “bypass” which extinguishes the LED.
The LOW FREQ rotary switch has 4 positions for selecting one of four corner or center frequencies for
the low band EQ section. The frequencies are 35 Hz, 60 Hz, 100 Hz and 220 Hz.
When the button is out, the low frequency band operates in shelf mode, boosting or cutting below
the corner frequency. Above the corner frequency the amount of boost or cut gradually diminishes at
approximately 6 dB/octave. With the HI PEAK button pressed the low frequency band changes to peak
mode with a bell shaped boost or cut curve. Between the LO PEAK button and LO FREQ rotary switch,
an engineer has 8 tonal variations of EQ shapes to finesse the bottom end, plus the 2 high pass filter
choices can be introduced for further tightening and manipulation.
Adjusts up to 15 dB of boost or cut at the selected low frequencies. Cut can be used as a variable, and
perhaps more gentle alternative to using the HPF. Remember to reduce the signal level at the source to
minimize the potential for distortion when any of the 3 bands are boosted significantly.