Voice/dly function – Rocktron Intellifex XL User Manual
Page 21

The Voice/Dly function is available in configurations which include chorus or pitch shift effects. An individual Voice/Dly
function is provided for each chorus or pitch shift voice that the configuration provides—thus allowing each chorus or pitch
shift voice to be configured independently. Alternatively, any of the voices provided by a given configuration's Voice/Dly
functions can be used as a delay-only voice, either by turning the Depth parameter to "0" (in a chorus configuration) to
disable the chorus effect, or by setting the Pitch and Fine parameters to "0" (in a pitch shift configuration) to disable the
pitch shift effect.
VOICE/DLY Function
The Chorus effect is achieved by using one or more delayed signals, detuning these
delayed signals (slightly changing their pitch) then
modulating this detune effect so that the
amount of pitch detune is constantly varying. Using many delayed signals at different delay
lengths - as well as using different detune amounts, modulation rates and modulation depths
for each delayed signal - results in a rich, spacious stereo chorused signal.
Chorus Voice/Dly Parameters
This parameter adjusts the volume of the delayed signal relative to the
other voice(s) of the effect and is included in the parameter list for each
voice (or each delay signal) of both the 8-Voice and 4-Voice Chorus
effects. (This level control is not the same as the Chorus Level found in
the Mixer function parameter list.)
The Pan parameter allows you to pan each voice (or delay) of the
chorused signal to the left or right channel. This parameter is adjustable
from 0 to 100 - where 0 = full left, 100 = full right and 50 = center.
The Delay parameter determines the delay time (in milliseconds) for
each tap of the chorus signal. It is this delayed signal that is detuned
and modulated to produce the chorus effect. Using shorter delay times
for this effect produces a tighter sounding chorused signal, while using
longer delay times will achieve a much larger, ambient effect.
The Depth parameter adjusts the amount of modulation of each delayed
signal. A lower depth setting will produce a more subtle detune effect
while a higher setting of this control will cause a more drastic detuning of
the delayed signal.
The Rate parameter determines the sweep speed for the delayed signal
(i.e. the speed at which the delayed signal is modulated). Here a low
rate results in a slow speed and a higher rate results in a faster speed.