Rocktron HUSH Pro User Manual
Page 18

The front panel HUSH Threshold control determines the minimum input level at which the HUSH filter
and downward expander will begin to operate. Setting this control too high will result in a loss of sustain, as
notes will tend to die out much faster than they should. Conversely, when set too low, the expander will close
too late (if at all) and the noise floor will remain audible
Gate Section
The other half of the HUSH Pro consists of a noise gate. A noise gate completely shuts off the output
signal when the input signal level drops below a prescribed threshold level (volume). On the HUSH Pro, this
threshold is determined by the Gate Threshold control on the front panel. This control should be set so that it
doesn't cut notes off (i.e., set too high), yet doesn't activate long after a note ends (allowing the noise floor
to remain audible).
This circuit is combined with the Variable Integrated Release (V.I.R.) circuit to provide an internal
variable release to the downward expander. With the V.I.R. circuit, if the guitar signal decays slowly, the
downward expander will engage slowly. If the guitar signal stops quickly, the downward expander will en-
gage quickly. The LED indicates when downward expansion is active.