Front panel – Rocktron Piranha User Manual

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2. Front Panel

2. Front Panel

(1) POWER switch

(2) DISPLAY panels:

The 2-character display on the left always displays the current preset number, while the 3-
character display on the right shows the current parameter value for the parameter being

(3) UP and DOWN buttons:

The UP and DOWN buttons are used to scroll through Pirahna presets. These buttons are also
used when setting the threshold level for the HUSH noise reduction.

(4) STORE and HUSH buttons:

The STORE button is used to store altered parameters into the Piranha memory.

The HUSH button displays the current threshold setting for the HUSH noise reduction

(5) LOOP and GLOBAL buttons:

Pressing the LOOP button (L.E.D. on) switches the mono send, stereo return effects loop into
the signal path. Switching the loop out (L.E.D. off) switches out any effects connected in the
loop. The on/off status of the effects loop is programmable for each preset.


If the effects loop is not used (i.e. no effects are connected to the rear panel Loop
Send and Returns), switching in the LOOP function can be used as a volume boost.
The amount of volume boost is determined by the rear panel LOOP MIX control.

Pressing the GLOBAL button (L.E.D. on) puts the unit in Global mode, which allows for all
of the Piranha presets to be modified simultaneously when adjusting parameters. This feature
is useful when a specific venue has a particular acoustic characteristic which requires the
adjustment of all the presets. For example, turning the BASS control down 6dB while the
GLOBAL button is lit will decrease the bass setting in all presets by 6dB. Any changes made
while operating in Global mode will remain in effect only as long as the GLOBAL button is
lit (i.e. exiting GLOBAL mode returns all Piranha presets to their original settings).

(6) DISTORT and CLEAN buttons:

These buttons determine the current operating mode (clean or distortion) of the Piranha. The
button currently lit indicates which mode the Piranha is currently operating in.

Pressing the CLEAN button (L.E.D. on) switches the Piranha to Clean mode. A wide variety
of tones can be generated by varying the programmable Gain control from 0 (super clean) to
70 (moderate rhythm distortion). The Input Level control can also be used when specifying
the maximum amount of gain attainable in the clean mode.