Portable Winch Gas-powered pulling/lifting winch PCH1000 User Manual
Page 39

3) Inspect anchor hooks for cracks and deformation. Check that the safety clasps are
4) Check end play by pulling and pushing the capstan drum. A small movement is normal,
more than 0.5 mm indicates the drum retaining screw could be loose or the washer
5) Check drum keyway by turning the drum back and forth. A small movement is acceptable
and indicates proper gear backlash. Large movement may indicated wear of the keyway;
if so remove end screw and inspect.
6) Check that rope entry pulley (brass pulley) is rotating freely; if not clean and lubricate.
Replace pulley if any flat spots are present.
7) Rope Grabbing System: Check that plate is pivoting freely and that there is no excessive
wear on the pivot surfaces. Check if pivot bolt is tight.
8) Look at casting for cracks, particularly in the anchoring region.
9) Remove engine from the gearbox by removing the 6 bolts (see picture below).
a. Inspect clutch rotor (engine side) for:
i. Cracks;
ii. Loose screws;
iii. Uneven wear or other damage.
b. Inspect clutch drum (gearbox side) for:
i. Wear: minimum thickness: 2 mm (0.080
ii. Tightness: no noticeable axial movement;
iii. Bearing condition: turns evenly and smoothly by hand.