PocketBook A 10 User Manual
Page 31
You will be prompted to activate new Device, when it’s connected to PC
for the first time. If the Device is not activated, it will be impossible to copy a
book from PC to Device using Adobe Digital Editions. If you have previously
used registration data in a firmware version earlier than 2.0.4 in the Device
for opening protected books then, when upgrading the software version, you
will have to enter registration data of www.adobe.com once more to open
such books again.The Adobe Digital Edition authorization can be deleted in
the section Settings > Maintenance > Delete the ADE authorization.
2. Select the Go to library view icon
3. Click All items
4. Find the desired book and copy it to your Device. To
open it, use your registration data at www.adobe.com.
Book Borrowing
A registered user can borrow a book from online bookstores
(e.g. www.adobe.com). A borrowed book will be placed in the
Borrowed books section of the user’s account and becomes
available for reading. The book can be opened on a PC or the
Device using the account data on the www.adobe.com site.
Every time you open a book the Device will prompt you to re-
turn book. After the borrowing period or after reading the book
completely it becomes unavailable for reading.