Transmitter setup, Dual rates and expos, Dual rate high rate – ParkZone PKZ6580 User Manual

Page 9: Low rate

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Transmitter Setup

IMPORTANT: The AR635 receiver’s default setting is for 3D mode using the
DX6i transmitter and above. If you choose to fl y using another transmitter, you
must refer to the “receiver manual” for instructions.

A DSM2/DSMX four-channel (or better) transmitter with dual rates is required
for fl ying this aircraft. The Spektrum

DX4e, DX5e, DX6i, DX7s, DX8, DX10t,

DX18 and JR


X9503, 11X or 12X transmitters may be used.

The settings below are recommended starting settings.

Transmitters DX4e and DX5e

Servo travel ............................................................. 100% (not adjustable)
Expo recommended

Activation and Deactivation of the Expo feature
(Some older DX4e and DX5e transmitters do not have this option.)
If you plan to fl y your aircraft with a DX4e or DX5e, disconnect the battery
from the aircraft before activating the Expo feature in your transmitter.
Once Expo is activated, it will remain activated for subsequent power cycles
of the transmitter. Once Expo is deactivated, it will remain deactivated until it
is activated again.

DX4e (Modes 1 and 2):

1. With the transmitter OFF, put the ACT switch in the down position (ON)
and the Rate switch in the down position (LO).

2. Push and hold the trainer (bind) button and move and hold the two
sticks (as shown here) for activation (A) or deactivation (B), while
powering on the transmitter.

3. Release the trainer switch and the control sticks only after a series of
tones sound (ascending tones for activation, descending tones for


DX5e (Modes 1 and 2):

1. Hold the aileron trim switch to the right for activation or to the left for
deactivation when powering on the transmitter.

2. Release the aileron trim switch after a series of tones (ascending tones
to confi rm that Expo is activated or descending tones to confi rm that
Expo is deactivated).

Transmitters DX6i and Above

Servo travel ......................................................................................125%

Always leave servo travel at 125%. Use dual rates for a low rate setting. For
proper fl ight performance, do not set dual rates below 50% (only possible on
a computerized transmitter).

Tip: DX6i transmitters can activate all three channel rates (aileron, elevator
and rudder) using a combined Dual Rates switch. Rates and expo can also
be adjusted if the recommended rates are not comfortable.

Tip: DX7s and above transmitters can activate rates on one Dual Rates
switch like the DX6i transmitter. However, DX7s and above transmitters can
also activate rates and exponential on the same switch as the fl ight mode
(Channel 5). If desired, GF (General Flight) mode can activate low rates with
moderate exponential, and 3D mode can activate high rates with exponential
on a curve.

Dual Rates and Expos

Dual Rate

High Rate


Low Rate

















For the best fl ight experience, we recommend fl ying your aircraft with the
Dual Rate switched to high rate. However, if the control response is too
great, low rate is still available.


Transmitter Setup Checklist

Before binding for Non-computerized Transmitters (DX4e, DX5e):

1. Make sure the Exponential values are ON.

2. Set all trims to NEUTRAL (0%).

3. Move the transmitter Dual Rate switch to High Rate.

After binding:

1. Check and adjust the servos so each arm’s neutral position is

perpendicular or as close to 90° as possible (loosen and adjust the
servo arm splines on the servo only when needed). DO NOT use
sub-trims to make fi ne adjustments, off-center sub-trim will affect
servo travel and AS3X operation.

2. Adjust linkage lengths so the control surfaces center when the

servo arm is close to perpendicular.

3. Set rates in the transmitter as recommended.

CAUTION: For safe operation, always re-bind the airplane after setup
is complete to ensure the failsafe is updated with the latest setup.

Transmitter Setup Checklist

Before binding for Computerized Transmitters (DX6i, DX7/DX7se, DX7s,
DX8, DX10t, DX18):

1. Choose a blank model memory with only default (zero) settings

(including trim and sub-trim)


2. Choose Wing/Aircraft Type for single aileron servo.

3. Make sure the Exponential values are set.

4. Set all sub-trims to NEUTRAL (0%).

5. Set servo travel values to 125% for Aileron, Elevator, and Rudder.

6. Set the Dual Rate to 100%, 70% for Aileron, Elevator, and Rudder.

After binding:

1. Check and adjust the servos so each arm’s neutral position is

perpendicular or as close to 90° as possible (loosen and adjust the
servo arm splines on the servo only when needed). DO NOT use
sub-trims to make fi ne adjustments, off-center sub-trim will affect
servo travel and AS3X operation.

2. Adjust linkage lengths so the control surfaces center when the

servo arm is close to perpendicular.

3. Set rates in the transmitter as recommended.

CAUTION: For safe operation, always re-bind the airplane after setup
is complete to ensure the failsafe is updated with the latest setup.