Flap installation optional – ParkZone PKZ6375 User Manual
Page 7

We recommend installing the Flaps (optional) in the wing
before installing the wing on the fuselage.
1. Carefully cut the tape over each fl ap servo pocket so the paint is
not damaged.
2. Install the fl ap servo connectors in the servo pockets, through the wings
and out the holes used by the aileron servo wires
3. Remove and re-attach the servo arms so they are positioned as
shown (Fig. A)
4. Install the push rods in the outermost holes of the servo arms (B)
5. Install the left and right fl ap servos (C) (PKZ1081 x 2, sold separately) in the
pockets (D) using hot glue or double-sided tape.
6. Install the control horns (E) and plates (F) on the wing using 2 screws (G) in
each horn.
7. Install the clevis end of the pushrod to the outermost hole of the control
horn as shown (Fig. H).
8. On both fl aps, carefully cut a small amount of foam (I) at the fl ap and
engine nacelles so the fl ap moves freely (see illustration).
9. Place the included tape (J) over the installed fl ap servos. Do not block the
servo arms from moving freely.
10. Attach the fl ap servo connectors to a Y-harness (PKZ1063, sold separately)
in the fuselage.
11. Connect the Y-harness to the AUX1 port of the receiver.
12. Do a control test of the fl aps using the transmitter.
Flap Installation
1/2 or Takeoff
Flap Down
15mm down
30mm down
Fig. A
Fig. H