Magnepan MG 20.1 User Manual
Page 3
Save all packaging, including ribbon tweeter packing! If you need to
transport the speaker they can be shipped safely only in the original packaging.
You may never have to ship or move your loudspeakers, but should the occasion
arise, they should not be shipped in any packaging but the original. Should you
discard it, factory packaging is available, including the special packaging for the
ribbon tweeters.
You will note there are 4 wooden handles with threaded shafts. These are
for attaching to the back side of the panels (2 each) to facilitate moving the
speakers around. There are holes approximately 26 inches from the lower end of
the panels for mounting these handles.
The four support feet for the MG20.1 speakers are shipped in the
separate accessory carton along with the eight mounting bolts. Two feet must be
fastened to the back side of each of the panels. The nuts are already installed in
the panels.
A) Lay a speaker on its side as shown in Figure 1. We suggest you
have a second person hold the speakers during installation to
ensure they do not fall.
Figure 1