Hookup, In case you missed it in the manual – Magnepan MMC 2 User Manual

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a file or Dremel tool to allow the frame to be lowered on one side. However, the head of the pan-head screw
will impact on the interior portion of the frame. It is necessary to modify the screw with a file or grinder. First,
make certain that the screw to be modified is adjusted to the correct amount to ensure a tight fit of the frame.
Mark the top portion of the screw head with a permanent marker and remove the screw. Grind or file the
marked portion of the screw and reinstall.



Connect the positive (red) speaker wire to the MMC 2 white and red wire. We recommend that the connection to the
speaker wire be soldered with shrink tubing for electrical insulation. Check for correct phasing before making a
permanent connection.


In case you missed it in the manual-

A few hints when installing the Controller/Power Supply for the MMC 2-- 1) Be sure to set the motor timer for
approximately 2 seconds longer than is needed to fully open or close the speaker panels. 2) Use equal length wires
to each motor so the voltage drop is the same to achieve uniform motor speed (or adjust the relative speed with
resistors. 3) Set the motor voltage (speed) as slow as practical.