Hdmi input setup, Hdmi virtual to physical input mapping, Hdmi video type – Lumagen Radiance 2144/2124 User Manual

Page 26: Hdmi level, Video edid display information for hdmi inputs, Hdmi input hotplug mode

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Section 5 – Video Configuration

Copyright 2009-2014 Lumagen, Inc.

Radiance 2124 and 2144, Rev 051514


HDMI Input Setup

After the output is configured, calibrated, and saved, you can calibrate the first input.

Note, generally no input

calibration is needed.
After calibrating the first input, you can copy that configuration to all the other configuration memories if desired.

Then calibrate other inputs. To program one of the independent input memories, select the input, then select the

configuration memory and use the menu to configure the input.

Hint: If memory A has been calibrated and a

second configuration is needed, start by copying Memory

A to memory B for that input to reduce setup time for

the second configuration.

HDMI Virtual to Physical Input Mapping

If desired the input selection for HDMI sources can be assigned to different physical HDMI inputs. This “Virtual

Input” feature can be useful if a receiver or HDMI switcher is used to switch several HDMI sources to a single input

on the Radiance. Different settings and calibrations for several virtual HDMI inputs can be stored for the same

physical HDMI input. The command is:

MENU Input HDMI Setup Physical In (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)

HDMI Video Type

By default the HDMI input format is detected automatically. For DVI sources, the Auto mode selects RGB format.

For sources that do not report their format correct, the input format can be selected manually. The command is:

MENU Input HDMI Setup Type (Auto, RGB, YCbCr 422, YCbCr 444, RGB-fixup601)

HDMI Level

This command specifies if RGB HDMI inputs use video levels or PC levels. The input video level should be set to

match the expected range of your video source. A mismatch can cause the image to be too dark or bright. An

output video level mismatch can also have the same effect. The command is only applicable for the RGB input

format. The command is:

MENU Input HDMI Setup Level (Video, PC)

Video EDID Display Information for HDMI inputs


Lumagen recommends using the default video EDID or a user-defined video EDID. This

enables the Radiance to report video EDID back to the sources even w hen the

display is off, and it can also improve pow er-up and sw itching speed.

EDID is information that can be read over DVI/ HDMI cables to influence how source devices deliver video, which

helps produce an optimal picture. There are 4 settings for the Lumagen EDID interface. The default setting enables

all of the display modes the Radiance supports. The User defined setting allows the user to individually select

which capabilities will be advertised to the source. You can scroll through the list of capabilities with the up/down

arrows and toggle advertising the feature with the left/right arrows. With the Passback setting, the Radiance will

read the EDID from the display/AVR connected to the selected output and pass that back to the source. The

command is:

MENU Input HDMI Setup Video EDID (Default, User defined, Passback Out2,

Passback Out1)

HDMI Input Hotplug Mode


Do not set Hotplug to “alw ays on” unless necessary since this eliminates the

ability of the Radiance to inform the source of a change in the EDID data.

The Hotplug signal is part of a HDMI/DVI interface. Hotplug alerts a DVI/HDMI source device to downstream EDID

changes when toggled. For some devices, such as a PC, it may be necessary to keep Hotplug high at all times. The

Radiance provides two Hotplug settings, "Normal" and "Always On". The "Normal" behavior is to toggle the

Hotplug signal sent back to the HDMI source when the EDID information needs to be updated. The source will

then read the EDID and make any necessary changes. If the device connected to the Radiance output toggles the

Hotplug to the Radiance then there may be some new EDID information to pass back to the sources and, if

Hotplug is set to "Normal", Hotplug on all Radiance inputs would be toggled to inform the sources of the change.