LG Motorsports LG C6 Pro Long Tube Headers User Manual
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Figure 1: Front 02 sensor wire hold down.
The catalytic converters (or off-road pipes) slip into place just after the headers.
Please slide the clamps onto the pipes as you work your way back so that you can come
back later and tighten everything down as you go once everything is aligned. The X pipe
is next in the install. Before installing the X pipe please transfer the rear stock 02 sensors
and place them into the X pipe. Note the location of the 02 sensor holes and place them
closest to the catalytic converters (or off-road pipes). At this time it is also necessary to
drill a hole in the plate just above the exhaust. This hole will allow the 02 sensor wires
from the rear to feed up above the exhaust and not become burned on the exhaust as
shown in Figure 2. We drill a 1 to 1 ½” hole in the plate to allow the wires to feed above
the plate as shown in the picture below. Please run the wires through this hole and above
the exhaust while installing the X pipe for easiest install. Also make note of the angle of
the 02 sensors themselves. They should lay very close to the X pipe as to give the most
clearance, if not the bungs may have to be ‘tweaked’ a bit to lay them over.