LG Motorsports LG Diff and Trans Cooler User Manual
Page 4

accessible it you can use the drive flange as a template and drill the nut on the car. You
will need the appropriate size (#21) tap drill and tap. Be very careful doing this, and you
will not need to drill all the way through the nut for install. Once the nut has been
replaced, or holes drilled and tapped you can now install the drive flange using the
supplied safety wire screws. **PLEASE NOTE** These screws will not be torqued,
nor tighten until they stop. Tighten the bolts until they are just hand tight, once they are
down, please safety wire all three bolts so they can not back out of the flange. Please see
figure below.
Figure 3: Pinion nut, drive flange install with safety wire
Once you have the drive assembly on, you can now start assembling the pump to
the rear cover plate. The pump is held together with four bolts and four small nuts to
keep the stages from separating during shipment. Please remove the nuts being careful
not to allow the pump to come apart. Place the o-ring around the base of the driveshaft
on the pump and bolt the pump to the rear cover plate. Once this has been assembled you
can now install this onto the back of your diff. Make sure the o-ring is not damaged at
the diff and apply a small, wide bead of RTV (grey) around the flange of the rear cover.
Using the supplied allen head screws mount the cover and pump assembly to your diff
making sure the part numbers on the diff are facing towards the roof of the car.