LG Motorsports LG G5 Coil Overs User Manual
Page 6

Set the assembly aside as you will need to transfer over some parts from the stock
assembly to your new coil over unit. Repeat for the other side.
Now we can move onto the rear of the car for removal of the stock shock and spring. We
start by removing the rear sway bar end likes like the front of the car so the control arm
can swing out of the way.
Figure 9: Rear Suspension
Once the sway bar end link has been removed, shown in figure 10 below we can move
onto removing the other bolts.
Figure 10: Removal of rear sway bar end link
Once the sway bar link is removed, remove the lower spindle and shock bolts shown in
figures 11 and 12 below. This will allow the control arm to swing out of the way and
give you access to the removal of the shock.