Laerdal SimMan User Manual
Page 12

supplied with manikin, by applying firmly with fingertip while
stretching skin.
Chest Drain - Left Mid-Axillary Site
To replace chest tube insertion module:
1) Remove skin at torso side and left shoulder.
2) Remove chest tube insertion module from mid-axillary side
of manikin.
3) Insert new chest drain module.
4) Replace chest skin over torso and secure skin at the shoulders
and both sides.
Breathing Bladder
To replace bladder:
1) Remove skin at torso sides.
2) Lift out the chest plate.
3) Fold the lungs upward.
4) Remove foam part.
5) Disconnect bladder tubing from nipple on manifold-block.
6) Connect new bladder to same nipple.
7) Replace foam, lungs and chest plate.
8) Replace chest skin over torso and secure skin at the shoulders
and both sides.
Crico-Thyroid Membrane Hy-Tape
1) Expose neck to visualize opening that has been molded in place
of crico-thyroid membrane.
2) Remove used Hy-Tape from opening.
3) Cut a 4cm (1") strip of Crico-Thyroid Membrane Hy-Tape and
apply it over the opening to create simulated membrane.
4) A tight seal will enhance actual feel and sound of crico-thyroid
membrane penetration.
Neck Skin Collar
1) Lay a neck skin collar, with dull side out, into molded track around
neck area of trainer, and attach collar ends together.
2) The collar is designed to provide multiple sites for needle and
surgical techniques. When a fresh site is needed, rotate the collar.
4) Remove bladder from site cavity by pulling it from top side
of chest plate.
5) Insert new pneumo bladder into site cavity and reconnect to the
inline hose connector by threading it through from top side of
chest plate.
6) Replace chest plate.
7) Replace chest skin over torso and secure skin at the shoulders
and both sides.
8) Fill puncture marks on exterior of the chest skin with modeling
wax, supplied with manikin, by applying firmly with fingertip while
stretching skin.
Tension Pneumothorax Decompression
- Right Mid-Axillary Site
To repair (vulcanizing/contact cement is needed):
1) Remove skin at torso side.
2) Remove flesh colored box from mid-axillary side of manikin.
3) Remove pneumo bladder from the box.
4) Cover surface of pneumo bladder with vulcanizing/ contact
cement (not included).
5) Allow to air dry completely.
6) Fold bladder and replace in box, return box to torso.
7) Replace chest skin over torso and secure skin at the shoulders
and both sides.
8) Fill puncture marks on exterior of chest skin with modeling wax,
supplied with manikin, by applying firmly with fingertip while
stretching skin.
To replace:
1) Remove skin at torso side.
2) Remove flesh colored box from mid-axillary side of manikin.
3) Remove pneumo bladder from box.
4) Disconnect bladder hose from in line hose connector.
5) Remove bladder from site cavity.
6) Insert new pneumo bladder into site cavity and reconnect to
in line hose connector.
7) Fold bladder and replace in box, return box to torso.
8) Replace chest skin over torso and secure skin at the shoulders
and both sides.
9) Fill puncture marks on exterior of chest skin with modeling wax,