Routine maintenance – Labconco Protector Multi-Hazard Glove Box 5065502 User Manual
Page 13
Estimation of Filter Condition
The negative pressure inside the box will give a good indication of filter and system
condition. Set blower speed dial to the speed that gives the proper negative pressure conditions
inside the box. Record both the blower speed dial setting and the pressure reading on the gauge.
If box pressure begins to drop due to filter loading, increase the blower speed. To check filters,
reduce the blower speed dial setting to the setting recorded when the filters were clean. Read the
differential pressure gauge. When the gauge reading is one-half of the initial reading, replace
Filter Replacement
When filters become contaminated or after a predetermined length of time in use, the filter
should be replaced. Only experienced personnel, competent in the procedure of filter replacement
should perform this procedure.
Suggested Plan for Decontamination
Activities such as filter changing, service work, moving the cabinet, or gross spillage
generally require a gas decontamination procedure.
LABCONCO strongly recommends reference to the Laboratory Safety Monograph (a
supplement to the NIH Guidelines for Recombinant DNA Research), published by the U.S.
Department of Health, Education and Welfare, January 1979.
Reference may also be made to the Formaldehyde Decontamination booklet available from
the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institute of
Health, National Cancer Institute.
For decontamination procedures with formaldehyde, refer to the following information.
1. NCI Safety Standards for Research Involving Chemical Carcinogens. Publication No.
(NIH) 76-900, 1975.
2. Carcinogen Safety Monographs, NCI Office of Research Safety.
3. “Potential Hazard of Tissue Culture Assays Arising from Carcinogenic Compounds
Incompletely Removed by Washing” E. B. Sansone, J. A. Poiley, R. J. Pienta and W. B.
Lebberz, III, Cancer Research 36.2455 – 1976.
4. “Recommended Decontamination Procedures for Aflatoxin”, L. Stoloff and W. Trager.
Journal of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, 48.681 – 1965.