Lab.gruppen LAB 1600 User Manual
Page 8

4. Stereo reverse
This mode is similar to the Tandem mono mode.
Apart from depressing the Link switch , you also
depress the Phase reverse switch, like in the Bridge
mono. Channel B is now phase reversed. To
compensate for that, connect pin +1 on channel B
Speakon to speaker negative terminal and pin -1
on channel B to speaker positive terminal.
Figure 11. Stereo reverse mode
Channel A output is connected as in the normal
stereo mode. By having channel A and B operating
in opposite polarity, the energy storage in the
power supply is more efficient. This means that the
amplifier can deliver up to 10% more power than in
tandem mono mode. This is significant for signals
below 100 Hz (sub bass etc.).
1. Operation
• Make sure that the power switch is off before
making any input or output connections or
operating the switches on rear panel. See pages
4-6 about installation.
• Make sure that the AC mains is correct and the
same as that is printed on the rear panel of the
amplifier. See pages 4-5 , about operating
voltage and power consumption.
• Make sure that the switches on the rear panel
for operation modes ,clip limiters, and the
MLS™ switch are in the correct position. See
pages 6-7, about operation modes, page 9
about clip limiters and page 7 for the MLS
• It is always a good idea to turn down the gain
controls during power up, to prevent speaker
damage, if there is a high signal level at the
2. Powering up -Soft start
When you power up the amplifier it takes a
couple of seconds to check its circuits (this is known
as the "soft start" or "slow start" sequence), the fans
then blow at high speed before going onto "idle" and
the two bottom green LED’s come on to show the
output circuits are receiving the correct rail voltage.
3. Input attenuators
The two input level attenuators on the front
panel, alter the signal level for their respective
amplifier channel in all modes. They are calibrated in
dB to help setting up active loudspeaker systems or
cutting down unwanted noise from the input signal.
In bridged mode, both controls must be in the
same position, so that the speaker load will be shared
equally between the channels.
4. Gain switch
The gain switch located on rear panel is for
changing the input sensitivity of the amplifier. This
can be handy when using low or high nominal input
signals e.g. most professional mixing consoles
operate at a nominal level of +4dBu therefore use the
29dB position (depressed switch), to give you plenty
of fader movement. On the other hand, for a disco
mixer that operates at a nominal level of 0dBu, use
the upper position setting, which has a sensitivity of
0 dB for full power in 4 ohms.
Figure 12. Front indicators
5. Indicators
The two bottom green ”ON” LEDs indicate that the
output circuits are receiving the correct rail voltage.
The ”-25 dB” LEDs glow when the output signal is
greater than -25dB, 0dB is referenced to full output
power. These LEDs also act as signal present
indicators. The rest of the green LEDs forms a bar
for output levels from -20dB to -5dB.
The Clip/limit indicator tells when the amplifier
output is clipping or limiting. The two different states
can be told apart: