HITEC Focus 4 FM User Manual
Page 7

B. Servo reverese
The Focus 4 F.M. tranmitter is equiped with servo reversing on all 4 channels.
C. Aileron and elevator & rudder & throttle adjustable travel volume (A.T.V.)
This function adjusts the servo left and right throws on aileron and elevator and rudder
and throttle. The rate setting range is 30% to 110%.
( Note: Leaving the reverse switch in the middle will cause the radio to work
erratically so please make sure that the switches are all pushed to the furthest end.)
E. Innovative MASTER-STUDENT trainer system
Pulling down the trainer switch will switch over the contol to the student transmitter.
Releasing the switch will enable master transmitter to resume control. When attaching the
trainer cable (optional item sold seperately. Spare part #58310: one way trainer cord)
the cabble must be connected to the correct side as the master side should be connected with
the master transmitter. The purpose is obvious. Connected properly, the student
transmitter cannot be activated even if it is accidentally turned on, a unique feature not
present in other systems.
fig 7
fig 8