HITEC Focus 4 FM User Manual
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The Hitec Focus digital proportional radio control system is a highly
sophisticated system that features modern solid state circuit design and
components of unsurpassed reliability. The time you spend learning about
your Focus from this manual will ensure that you will enjoy many years of
dependable control.
1. Contents
1. Contents ....................................................................................1
2. Features & Specifications ........................................................2
A. Transmitter
B. Receiver
C. Servo
3. Transmitter Function ................................................................3
A. Front
B. Back
4. Receiver & servo connection ...................................................4
5. Operation & servo connection .................................................5
A. Control stick tension & length & trim lever adjustment
B. Servo reverse
C. Aileron and elevator & rudder & throttle A.T.V.
D. Inovative MASTER-STUDENT trainer system
6. Installation ...............................................................................7