HITEC ParkMaster 3D User Manual
Page 10
1. Before assembling the model
Check the contents of your kit before you start working on it.
You will find Figs. 1 + 2 and the Parts List helpful here.
Note: the GRP spars and longerons 40 - 43 are supplied in the
kit as one full-length strip 14, and have to be cut to the correct
length. Please cut them as follows:
2 x L.H. and R.H. fuselage longerons
1.3 Ø x 745 mm
2 x L.H. and R.H. motor mount supports 1.3 Ø x 120 mm
2 x top and bottom wing spars
1.3 Ø x 855 mm
2 x top and bottom tailplane spars
1.3 Ø x 400 mm
Alternatively you can cut the strips to the length of the moulded
foam components.
2. Preparing the elevator (9)
Lay the elevator 9 flat on the workbench and weight it down
temporarily. Glue the spars 43 in place, wiping off excess glue
immediately with a cloth. Use a balsa knife to cut slots at the
marked points for the hinges 22.
Fig. 03
Prepare the elevator horn 23 as shown in Fig. 04, and glue it in
the recess in the elevator 9.
3. Preparing the rudder
Use a balsa knife to cut the slots for the rudder hinges 22.
Fig. 05
Prepare the rudder horn 23 as shown in Fig. 06, and glue it in the
4. Preparing the ailerons (6 + 7)
Here again use a balsa knife to cut slots for the hinges 22 at the
marked points. Fig. 7. Prepare the aileron horns 23 as shown in
Fig. 08, and glue them in the slots; make sure the horns and
swivel connectors are fitted the right way round.
5. Preparing the fuselage 3
To improve the visibility of the model in flight we advise you to
pick out the canopy in a dark colour, and this is easiest to do at
this stage. Mask out the canopy with adhesive tape before
painting; we recommend the use of spray cans. Paint is heavy,
so keep the application of colour as light as possible.
6. Installing the motor mount
Glue the plastic motor mount components 35 + 36 in place as
shown in Fig. 09, followed by the motor mount supports 41 on
both sides.
Fig. 10
7. Installing the fuselage longerons
Lay the fuselage 3 down on a flat bench, with one fuselage
longeron channel facing down, and fit one fuselage longeron in
the longeron channel facing you; run cyano along the joint. Allow
the glue to set hard, then repeat the procedure on the other side
to form a mirror-image.
Fig. 11
Trial-fit the elevator and rudder servos in their recesses in the
fuselage, and secure each with a drop of cyano applied to the
mounting lugs. Deploy the leads forward towards the receiver.
Fig. 12
8. The main undercarriage 13
The first step is to remove any rough edges from the ends of the
wire main undercarriage unit, and check that its shape is exactly
as shown. Fit the first starlock washer 39 on one wheel axle by
laying a pair of pliers on the bench with the jaws slightly open, as
shown in Fig. 13, and pressing the wire unit 13 through the
washer. Once the starlock washer is on the axle you will find that
it can be pushed into final position; the free end of each wheel
axle should be 24 mm long.
Place both undercarriage supports 37 over the wire unit 13 as
shown, slip this assembly into the fuselage from the side, and
glue it in place carefully.
Fig. 14
The first starlock washer can now be fitted on the second wheel
axle, using the pair of pliers again. Now fit the wheels and secure
them with the second starlock washers. Allow the wheels just
sufficient clearance for them to spin freely.
Fig. 15
Now glue the undercarriage leg fairings 11 + 12 in place as
shown, taking care to glue them to the wire legs only; do not glue
them to the fuselage at the top, as this would restrict the springing
effect of the steel.
Figs. 16 + 17
9. Completing the wing
Glue the wing panels 4 + 5 together at the centre, taking particular
care to ensure that they are not twisted relative to each other.
Fig. 18
Invert the joined wing and lay it down on a flat surface. After the
first third the whole surface of the wing panels should make
contact with the bench surface. Glue the bottom wing spar 42 in
the appropriate channel.
Fig. 19
Turn the wing over, lay one half-span down flat and weight it
down temporarily. Glue the top spar in the channel of the weighted
wing panel only.
Fig. 20
Allow the glue to harden, then pack up this side by 5 mm at the
tip, and glue the spar to the second wing panel.
Fig. 21
Use a balsa knife to cut the slots at the marked points in the
wings and the ailerons for the aileron hinges 22.
Fig. 22
10. Joining the wing and fuselage
Attach the left-hand aileron 6 to the left-hand wing panel 4 using
the hinges 22. Secure each of the hinges 22 with a drop of
Fig. 23
Slide the wing, with one aileron attached, through the fuselage
as shown in Fig. 24. Set the wing central, then attach the second
aileron as shown in Fig. 25. Now position the wing carefully
(square and at right-angles to the fuselage) and run cyano along
the joint between the fuselage and the wing; don’t allow excess
glue to run out of the joints. Check the alignment of the wing
once again, as shown in Figs. 26 and 27.
11. Installing the servos, connecting the control surfaces
Place the aileron servos in their recesses, and secure each with
a drop of glue applied to the mounting lugs. Connect the pre-
formed end of the pushrods 29 to the servo output arms. Slip the
pushrods through the swivel pushrod connectors on the aileron
horns, set the servos and ailerons to centre, then tighten the
clamping screws in the connectors.
Fig. 28
12. Installing the tailplane and rudder
Trial-fit the tailplane 8 in its slot, and check that it is at right-
angles to the fuselage. Carry out any trimming required, then
glue it in place.
Fig. 29